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冶金机修车间低压配电系统及车间变电所设计 摘 要   随着经济的发展和现代工业建设的迅速崛起,供电系统的设计越来越全面、系统,工厂用电量迅速增长,对电能质量、技术经济状况、供电的可靠性指标也日益提高,因此对供电设计也有了更高、更完善的要求。设计是否合理,不仅直接影响基建投资、运行费用和有色金属的消耗量,也会反映在供电的可靠性和安全生产方面,它和企业的经济效益、设备人身安全密切相关。   变电所的设计,必须从全局出发,统筹兼顾,按照负荷性质、用电容量、工程特点和地区供电条件,结合国情合理地确定设计方案;变电所的设计,必须坚持节约用地的原则。变电所应建在靠近负荷中心位置,这样可以节省线材,降低电能损耗,提高电压质量,这是供配电系统设计的一条重要原则。 随着电力技术高新化、复杂化的迅速发展,电力系统在从发电到供电的所有领域中,通过新技术的使用,都在不断的发生变化。变电所作为电力系统中一个关键的环节也同样在新技术领域得到了充分的发展。 Metallurgy machine repair shop and low-voltage power distribution system substation design workshop Abstract With the economic development and modern industrial building of the rapid rise of the design of the power supply system more and more comprehensive, systematic, and rapid growth of electricity consumption in factories, on the power quality, technical and economic conditions, indicators of the reliability of electricity supply improves, so Design of power supply has been higher and more comprehensive requirements. The design is reasonable, not only directly affects the investment in infrastructure, operation costs and the consumption of non-ferrous metals, will be reflected in the electricity supply reliability and security of production, it is the economic efficiency of enterprises, is closely related to personal safety equipment. The transformer substation design, must embark from the overall situation, has unified planning, according to the load nature, the using electricity capacity, the project characteristic and the local power supply condition, the union national condition determines the design proposal reasonably; The transformer substation design, must insist that saves the land principle. The transformer substation should construct is approaching the load center position, like this may save the wire rod, reduces the electrical energy to lose, improves the voltage quality, this is for an electrical power distribution system design cardinal principle. With high-power technology, and the complexity of the rapid development of the power syst


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