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MKT201 – Buyer Behavior Chapter 6 Supplementary Examples Personality and Lifestyles Personality - Freudian Theory (id, superego, ego, motivational research) - Neo-Freudian Theories (Karen Horney, Carl Jung) - Trait Theory (Idiocentrism or Allocentrism) - Brand Personality (Brand Equity, Brand personality, Animism) Lifestyles and Psychograhpics Personality and Lifestyles 从心理机能上划分,性格可分为:理智型、情感型和意志型; 从心理活动倾向性上划分,性格可分为内倾型和外倾型; 从社会生活方式上划分,性格分为;理论型、经济型、社会型、审美型、宗教型; 从个体独立性上划分,性格分为独立型、顺从型、反抗型。 人的人格有五个特质(big five factors):外向性(extraversion)——人的外向、合群、健谈、喜欢社交与谨慎及害羞。和悦性(agreeableness)——人的脾气好、具有合作性、信赖人与易被激怒、脾气怪异、充满敌意。 公正性(conscientiousness)——负责任、恪于职守、能被依赖与不可靠、粗心大意。情绪性(neuroticism)——人们易于冲动、担忧、愤怒与墨守成规、缺乏创造力和无趣。创造性(openness to experience or intellect)——人们具有想象力、不墨守成规、具有艺术性的程度,相较于拘泥、没有创造性、教条。 Freudian Theory /watch?v=Mkin1FhojCo Animism (from Wiki) Animism (from Latin anima (soul, life) is a philosophical, religious or spiritual idea that souls or spirits exist not only in humans and animals but also in plants, rocks, natural phenomena such as thunder, geographic features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the natural environment. Animism may further attribute souls to abstract concepts such as words, true names or metaphors in mythology. Throughout European history, philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Acquinas, among others, contemplated the possibility that souls exist in animals, plants and people. Animism Level 1: Tiger Woods Buick Commercial- /watch?v=N1E3haEB5REfeature=related Level 2: Charlie the tuna commercial - /watch?v=_El2_enNFaI Michelin tire commercial - /watch?v=H9B0IyPlqY8 Keebler Cookie commercial - /watch?v=oUs2lxOxpMQ Co-branding Strategies Fairmont Hotel promotes Porsche SUV - For a few grand, you can have a three-day weekend in New York and Washington, and a new Porsche sport utility vehicle to shuttle you back and forth. (luxury car hotel) Unilever’s real beauty campaign for Dove Nike and Polaroid introduce picture-perfec


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