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计量软件评述、经验(强烈推荐),不看会后悔的 最近经常听到网友想知道数学模型在区域经济学中应用到什么程度,要用到什么软件,应用都什么程度。本人在国外刚好看到有这方面的介绍,现copy给大家(是英文,不过很简单,我没时间翻译了,相信大家理解没问题),再结合自己的使用经验,分析一下几种常用软件使用的优劣势。 Econometric software package information Amos This package is designed for estimating linear structural equation models. It is particularly well suited for models with latent variables or measurement error components. Bootstrap methods are provided for the computation of standard errors. While this is not a general purpose econometrics package, it is useful in specialized applications. A free student version is available for Windows and OS/2 platforms. AREMOS This package, provided by Global Insight, is primarily designed for the analysis and manipulation of time-series and panel data. AREMOS estimates OLS, 2SLS, 3SLS, ARIMA, VAR, cointegration, and some nonlinear models. It is available on Windows platforms. Autobox A package that automates the identification of ARIMA and transfer function models. This package is available on DOS, Windows, and RISC platforms. BMDP A classic package that estimates regression, logit, survival function, maximum likelihood (user-specified function), and ARIMA models. Available Windows 2000/XP platforms. DataDesk A Mac/Windows program designed for exploratory data analysis. Peforms basic regression analysis. Dataplore Dataplore is a full-featured package for the analysis of time-series data using a frequency domain approach. Academic users may download evaluation copies of the software for Windows, Linux, and Sun Solaris platforms. EasyReg This package contains a wide variety of estimators for cross-sectional and time-series models. In addition to standard regression models, this package also estimates a variety of limited dependent variable (such as logit, probit, and Tobit models) and time-series models (including ARMA error processes, ARCH tests, VAR models, and tests for unit roots and cointegration). The program and sample data sets are downloadable from this site. Thi


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