Unit 3重点短语与句型【荐】.docVIP

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Unit 3重点短语与句型【荐】.doc

Unit 3重点短语与句型 班级 ___________ 姓名 ________________ Phrases: 乔装打扮成… dress up as… *用…乔装打扮 dress up in…( People dress up in strange clothes for a fun party. 美猴王 Monkey King 一个有趣的晚会 an interesting party *对这个晚会感兴趣 be interested in the party 你最喜欢的节日 your favourite festival 在英语俱乐部 in the English Club 做一个世界各地不同节日的展览make a display about different festivals around the world 做一张展示你最喜欢的节日的海报make a poster showing your favourite festival 特殊/不寻常的日子 special days = unusual days 列一张节日清单 write a list of festivals 帮她写节日的名称 help her write the names of the festivals 春节 Chinese New Year = the Spring Festival 龙舟节 the Dragon Boat Festival 中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival 元旦 New Year’s Day 五一节 May Day 儿童节 Children’s Day 教师节 Teachers’ Day 过去节 National Day 妇女节 Women’s Day 母亲节 Mother’s Day 父亲节 Father’s Day 感恩节 Thanks Giving Day 问关于节日(的问题) ask about festivals 用你自己的想法代替划线部分的单词replace the underlined words with your own ideas 为万圣节做准备 get ready for Halloween *为…做准备 get ready for sth. ( We are getting ready for a Halloween Party. *准备好做… get ready to do sth. ( We are getting ready to have a Halloween party. *准备好… be ready for sth. *准备好做… be ready to do sth. 收到她美国笔友的一封关于…的信receive a letter about …from her penfriend in the USA *收到某人的来信 receive/get a letter from sb. = hear from sb. 喜欢吃月饼/火鸡/粽子 like to eat mooncakes/turkey/rice dumplings 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth. ( Can you tell me about your family? 玩一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏 play a game called “ trick or treat” *叫做… called …= with the name of … (我认识这个叫李雷的男孩.)( I know the boy called Li Lei. = I know the boy with the name of Li Lei. 敲人们的门 knock on/at people’s doors 给我们一些糖果作为招待 give us some candy as a treat *用某物招待某人 give sb. sth. as a treat = give sb. a treat of sth. (我经常用中国茶来招待他们.)( I often give them Chinese Tea as a treat. = I often give them a treat of Chinese Tea. *招待某人 give sb. a treat = treat sb. (友好的中国人一定会款待你们的.)(


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