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第 24 卷第 4 期增刊 仪 器 仪 表 学 报 2003 年 8 月
基于 GSM 技术的粮库温度检测系统设计
凌振宝 王 君 邱春玲
( 吉林大学电子科学与工程学院 长春 130026)
摘要 本文介绍了一种基于无线通信的 GSM 模块和单片机技术, 利用集成电流型温度传感器AD 590 实现智能化的大型粮
有超过设置温度值报警、随时和定时检测整个粮库各点温度的功能, 同时具有性能价格比高, 体积小, 传输距离远, 且抗干扰
性强, 传感器互换性和系统扩展性好, 应用范围广等优点。
关键词 传感器 温度 430
The D esign of Tem pera ture M ea surem en t System of Gra in D epot
Ba sed on GSM Technology
L ing Zhenbao W ang Jun Q iu Chun ling
(E lectronic S cience and E ng ineering Colleg e, J ilin U niversity , Chang chun 130026, Ch ina)
, ,
Abstract In th is article based on the GSM module of w ireless comm unication and the single ch ip techno logy the
, 2
design m ethod w h ich realizes the m ulti po int temperature m easurem ent fo r the intelligentized large scale grain
depo t using integrate current type temperature senso r AD 590, is introduced. T he design block diagram s of all cir2
cuit hardw are and the temperature co llection softw are flow chart of the temperature m easurem ent system are sup2
p lied. T h is temperature m easurem ent system has such functions like alarm ing w hen the temperature overpasses
the setting value m easuring the temperatures of all
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