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铁锹自动上下料机器人研制 Development of Spade Automatic Loading and Unloading Robot 摘 要 本文介绍了铁锹生产过程中冲床加工环节的自动上下料机器人研制过程。冲床锻件时加工环境恶劣,上下料搬运工作强度高,因此企业迫切使用冲床的自动化上下料机器人。自动上下料机器人的工作就是代替人来完成冲床加工环节的毛坯料上料、装夹、下料的动作,可以降低工人劳动强度,提高加工效率。设计的总体思路是利用凸轮分度器实现末端手爪从料仓到冲床加工工位再到下料仓的动作,利用步进电机带动丝杠滑台实现料仓的供料,使用西门子S7-300 PLC实现设备的控制。机械设计的过程涉及了各种标准件的选型计算与校核,非标件的设计与加工。电气控制的部分涉及到PLC的程序编程,电气原理图设计。最终完成的任务是设备的装配与调试,使之能够按照工厂的加工需求完成自动上下料。 关键词:冲床;自动上下料;凸轮分度器;西门子S7-300PLC ABSTRACT This paper introduces a spade, punch processing link in the production process of automatic loading and unloading robot development process. Press forgings processing environment, loading and unloading handling work intensity and so on, so the enterprise to use punch when feeding robot automation under the urgent request. Blank feeding robots job is to replace human to complete the punch processing link feeding, clamping, cutting action, can reduce the labor intensity of workers, improve the processing efficiency. The general idea of the design is the use of cam indexers realize the end effector from bin to the punch processing station to the next bin feeding action, using the stepper motor driven screw realizes bin, using S7-300 PLC to achieve Siemens equipment control. The design process involves the selection calculation and checking all kinds of standard parts, non-standard pieces of the design and processing. The electric control part related to PLC programming, schematic design. The final task is to assemble and debug equipment, so that it can in accordance with the demand of the factory to complete the process of automatic feeding. Key Words:Punch; automatic loading and unloading; Cam indexer;?SIEMENS PLC s7-300 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究意义 1 1.3研究内容 1 2 方案设计 2 2.1技术要求 2 2.2机械设计方案 2 2.2.1毛坯料的抓取 2 2.2.2传动 3 2.2.3工位位置 3 2.2.4料仓 3 2.2.5工作台 4 2.2.6下料 4 2.3电气控制方案 5 2.3.1方案概述 5 2.3.2传感器选型 6 2.3.3 PLC的I/O分配 6 2.3.4 控制程序设计 8 3 选型计算 9 3.1 吸盘 9 3.2 导杆气缸 10 3.3 工作台气缸 11 3.4 直线导轨副 12 3.5 凸轮分度器 14 3.5.1 负载计算(Tt) 15 3.5.2 输入轴扭矩(Tc) 16


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