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26 3 V ol. 26 N o. 3 2006 9 Chinese Journal of N uclear Science and Engineering Sep . 2006 ITER 谢 波, 王和义, 刘云怒, 官 锐 ( , 62 1900) : IT ER ( T E S) 0 . 1% H 2 , , : : T L 64+ 2 : A : 0258- 09 18( 2006) 0 3- 027 1- 05 Tritium extraction system design of the dual functional lithium lead test blanket module for ITER XIE Bo, WA N G H e- y i, L IU Yun- nu, G U A N Ru i ( Inst it ut e of N u clear P hy sics and Chemist ry , China A cademy of Engineering P hy sics, M iany ang of Sich uan P rov . 62 1900, China) Abstract:T heT rit ium Ext raction Sy st em ( T ES) is one of t he most import ant ancillar y syst em . In T BM ( T est Blanket M odule) ancillary sy st em desig n, generally , f unct ion of the T ES is t o r em ove thet ritium produ ced in t he T BM p ebble beds and cont rol t he g as com posit io n of t he low pressure purge gas. In our design , t he main funct ion of t he T ES is to ex t ract tr it ium pro du ced in liqu id L iPb eut ectic allo y by purge gas, t o contr ol the gas com po sit io n of t he low pres sure purg e f low and t o prov ide t rit ium- breeding data of liquid LiP b lo op by m easuring and mo nit oring o peration p ar am et ers of the sy st em ( t emp erat ure, pressure, gas component s, g as f low rates, t ritium co ncent rat io n, et c. ) , and to t est t he reliability o f T ES. Syst em p arameters , f low proces s, analyt ical inst rum ent and ancillary in st allat ions are g iven in fo llow ing relat io n. Key words:tr it ium ex tr act io


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