
TCT Training - AIP Management.ppt

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TCT Training - AIP Management

Rework.返工 Problem resolution takes too long.解决问题耗时太长 Lots of fire fighting and expediting.太多紧急、应急事务 Problem solving capability becomes poor.解决问题的能力变弱 Missed delivery dates.错过交付日期 Unpredictable processes. First-Pass Yield decreases. FPY 不可预测的流程;第一次通过率下降 Cycle time increases.周期时间延长 Mistrust/Blaming of people.不信任/迁咎于他人 Checking/Just-in-Case.检查/以防万一 Frequent priority changing.频繁改变优先次序 Barriers to Clipsal AIP Management (奇胜AIP管理的障碍) Better understanding of the AIP management process 增加AIP管理流程的了解 Clipsal objectives priorities may not be clear to all employees 奇胜的目标及其优先次序并非清楚地展示给每一位员工 Too many AIPs in Active Category 有太多在进行中的AIP Lack of Starts Control-Start too many 缺乏“启动控制”,启动太多 Culture Barriers re empowerment, rejecting, kills, backlog, delegating 在授权、拒绝、全盘否定、待命工作、分派工作等方面的文化障碍 Too little use of the AIP tools AIP Management Drumbeat-is it regular? 很少利用AIP管理工具,例会是否如期举行? Today’s Objectives(今日之目标) Review TCT AIP (Actions-In-Process) Management Methods and Tools 回顾TCT AIP管理方法及工具 Focus on how we can use the following to improve Clipsal AIP Management: 关注如何使用以下工具改善奇胜AIP管理: 80/20 Rule 80/20定律 Filters 过滤器 Starts Control 启动控制 Figure of Merit (FOM) and Resource Optimization 效益价值和资源最优化 Understand Clipsal AIPs, filters, and loading rules. 理解奇胜AIP、过滤器及启动原则 Answer your questions about AIP management 回答关于AIP管理的问题 Manage priorities by using filters 用过滤器来优化管理 Can I do It? 我能做吗 Does it add value? 能否增值 Does it meet our strategic goals ? 是否符合战略目标 Does it help my customer? 能否帮助客户 If I don’t do it - what are the consequences? 如果不做 – 后果如何 St


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