多媒体技术的应用对英语口译教学的影响Impacts on the Application of Multimedia Technology in English Interpreting Teaching.doc

多媒体技术的应用对英语口译教学的影响Impacts on the Application of Multimedia Technology in English Interpreting Teaching.doc

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多媒体技术的应用对英语口译教学的影响Impacts on the Application of Multimedia Technology in English Interpreting Teaching.doc

毕业设计(论文) Impacts on the Application of Multimedia Technology in English Interpreting Teaching ---A Study of English Major Students of CQUST 多媒体技术的应用对英语口译教学的影响 ---以重庆科技学院英语专业学生为例 学 院 外国语学院 专业班级 英语 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 评阅教师 职称 Acknowledgement I have received innumerable help from many teachers during my four-year-study in the Foreign Language Department of Chongqing University of Science and Technology. I wound like to express my sincere gratitude to all of my teachers. First, my earnest thanks go to my supervisor, Li Xi, who has given valuable suggestions and constant guidance on my paper. His patience and timely encouragements are worthy of high acknowledgement. Second, I wound like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers who guided my life, illuminating the road of the life headway. My thanks should be extended to my friends and classmates. They have helped me a lot during my learning process and offered me a lot of advices during the paper writing. Finally, my special love would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all though these years ABSTRACT Because of the lack of foreign language learning environment, the application of multimedia technology, among all the teaching methods, in English interpreting teaching has received great popularity and reorganization. There is no doubt that the application of multimedia technology in English interpreting teaching has created a good environment for English interpreting. It has played a positive role in increasing students’ opportunities of using English and arising students’ study enthusiasm. In fact, teachers making full use of multimedia technology have greatly improved the quality of English interpreting teaching. But at the same time, the application of multimedia techno



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