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* * And with that, lets get into the details of the DS Storage Manager. * * And the DS3500 is the first entry storage system to be offered with DS Storage Manager software. The DS Storage Manager combines the simplicity of the DS3000 Storage Manager and the robustness and power of the DS Storage Manager previously only reserved for the DS5000 and DS4000. The DS Storage Manager is both intuitive but does not sacrifice storage system control. Its feature-rich management software helps ensure high performance, great utilization and uninterrupted data availability. * And lets review some key updates to the DS3500 from the DS3000. With FlashCopy, the same number of images is supported with up to 8 per volume and 64 per storage system. And with VolumeCopy, there are no changes either with support for up to eight simultaneous volume copy images. In regards to partitions, the DS3500 can double the number of hosts it can be mapped to going from 32 partitions up to 64 partitions. This is a great feature for virtualization. And, remote mirroring has not been available on the DS3000 series. Now with the DS35000, remote mirroring is supported across the FC host ports and is also compatible with the remote mirroring feature on both the DS5000 and DS4000. SED management or drive-level encryption management is now a supported feature with the DS3500 ensuring your customers data at rest is secure against drive loss, theft of decommisioning of drives. And, we are also happy to announce that all the dynamic capabilities such as dynamic segment size migration and dynamic volume expansion are all available via the user interface vs. the command line interface. With the DS3000, you could acquire general storage system information from the Summary window. If additional information was needed, you would go to the Support tab, select Storage System Profile and then have to research the various tabs within this selection to find the information you were looking for. Now w


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