荣总英检课程 (星期二) .doc

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荣总英检课程 (星期二) .doc

榮總英檢課程 3 (星期二) 1. Spain mourns its terrorist victims, while others ask if it is appeasing terrorists. (A) irritating (B) challenging (C) applauding (D) placating 【】 ire忿怒 /air/ irate (adj) 發怒的;生氣的 irascible 易怒的;暴躁的 irritate (v) 激怒 ire + tate = irritate 2. Christianity is very deeply embedded in American culture. (A) influenced (B) tooted (C) engaged (D) reminded 【】 [] 背負搬運 tote bag tot 小孩 3. They attempt to nullify the election results. (A) invalidate (B) accuse (C) debate (D) retaliate 【】annulled annul = nullify = invalidate = rescind retaliate 報復 = get even = even the score tailgate 緊跟著前車行使 4. We should pay attention to the etiquette of using mobile phones. (A) cost (B) problem (C) rule (D) function 【】5. The ”Lord of the Rings trilogy based on J.R.R. Tolkiens fantasy novels is a sweeping spectacle of computer-generated imagery. (A) montage (B) performance (C) mixture (D) technology 【】mortgage fixture mixture 【注意要點1】 a + 子音 an + 母音 以發音為準 非以字母為準 A. 因為首字雖為子音字母h,但因這些字中的h為默音(即不發音),所以必須發音hour,honest,honor,honorable……等字 met an honest taxi driver on his way home. Jim shall be back in an hour. Jason is an honorable gentlemen. B. 首字雖為母音字母u或e,但因這些字中的u與e之發音均為半母音“an” useful,useless,university,uni,united,unique,union,universalEuropean等字 〔ju〕,所以必須要用“a”。This is a useful book. There is a university in Tainan. A foot is a unit of length. 【注意要點2 】 【most之特別用法】 中文翻譯不同 Most of the students in this classroom are females. 翻譯 Most students are lazy. 翻譯 Most students study history in high school. 大多數的學生 泛指一般學生 Most of the students in the class are taking his class. 有限定範圍 → 兩者意思上差異甚大 【數量詞+ of之用法】 A. …..of + the 一般名詞 = ….. of + 代名詞 = ….of + 所有格 +名詞 One of the students is female…= one of them is female. Some of



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