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2 1 2 中 国 海 商 法 年 刊 Vo l . 21 N o. 2 2010 6 Annual of China Maritime Law Jun . 2010 . 2009 [ J] . , 20 10 , 21( 2) : 107-113 . 2009 赵 亮 : 2009 年期间, 香港法院审理了 一定数量的海商海事案件, 案件领域包括提单运输、《汉 规则》的解释、承 运人在普通法下的责任、船舶碰撞和海上保险等。大部分案件在香港高等法院原诉法庭审结, 部分上诉至香港高等 法院上诉法庭, 甚至香港终审法院。通过对若干代表性案件的描述和分析, 一方面展现香港海商法判例的发展, 另 一 方面有助于对中国内地海商法的比较研究。 : 记名提单; 《汉 规则》; 托管责任; 举证责任; 海上保险 : DF 961. 9  : A : 1003-7659-( 20 10) 02-0 107-07 The overview of the mariti me cas e law i n Hong Kong 2009 ZHA O L a ng Abstract: In the y ear of 2009 , Hong K ong court s hea rd and judg ed mar t m e cases nclud ng the d sputes r eg ar d ng the stra ght b ll of lad ng , the nter preta t o n of the H am bur g R ules, car r er s l ab l t y under ba lm ent r eg m e, bur den of pr oo f n co ll s on and the per od of l ab l ty under a po l cy . M ost of ca ses w er e closed befo re the H g h Co ur t o f Hong Ko ng , so me appealed t o the Cour t of A ppeal and even the Court of F nal Appeal of Hong K ong. T h s ar t cle descr bes and a nalyses the representat ve ones so as t o demo nst rat e the development of the mar t me case law n Hong Ko ng , a nd also ass st n compar ng study w th Ch nese mar t me law . Key words : stra ght b ll of lad ng; the H am burg R ules; ba lment ; bur den of pr oo f ; mar ne nsurance 2009 , L m t ed , A rt st F ash on , , , Burberry , , , A rt st Fash o n ,   一、记名提单与无单放货 , , Carew ns Development ( Ch na ) L m t ed v . Br g ht F ort une S


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