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单位代码 01 学 号 分 类 号 TN.92 密 级 毕业论文 院(系)名称 信息工程学院 专业名称 通信工程 学生姓名 指导教师 唐海玲 201年月日 CDMA摘 要 CDMA技术构建的蜂窝移动通信系统,终端用户都采用相同的频谱进行上下行链路的数据传输,每一个频谱信道都不是完全正交而是近似正交的,因而用户与用户之间存在干扰。多址干扰和远近效应是 CDMA 移动通信系统中需要研究解决的问题,它们直接影响系统的性能和容量,功率控制和多用户检测是解决上述问题的两项关键技术。 本文主要研究将CDMA系统中的多用户检测技术联合功率控制技术,分别介绍了功率控制和多用户检测技术的原理、现状,详细介绍了CDMA系统中实现多用户联合检测的一种重要方法最小均方误差(MMSE),该算法充分利用接收到的所有信号,估计出每个用户发送信号,可以有效地消除多址干扰(MAI)的影响,从而具有优良的抗干扰性能。并用MATLAB对于MMSE算法进行了仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析,最后对论文的工作进行了总结。 关键词:CDMA, Simulation and Power Control and multi-user detection Based on MATLAB Author:Lv Linzhen Tutor:Tang Hailing Abstract CDMA cellular mobile communication technology to build the system, end users use the same frequency spectrum for the uplink and downlink data transmission, each spectral channel are not completely orthogonal but is substantially orthogonal to, and therefore interference between users. MAI and near-far effect is a CDMA mobile communication system problems to be studied and solved, they directly affect the performance and capacity of the system, power control and multi-user detection is the key technology to solve these two problems. This paper studies the CDMA system, power control and multi-user detection combined introduced the principle of power control and multi-user detection techniques, as well as a detailed breakdown of the model structure, describes the adaptive multi-user detection algorithm based on a general algorithm MVC form, as well as a model based on the form of MOE blind adaptive multiuser detector, detailing joint power control and real-time multi-user MMSE receiver filter coefficients to optimize the detection of cool and transmit power without iterative optimization algorithm, based on the re-An improved MMSE joint power control and adaptive multi-user detection algorithm, which uses adaptive iterative algorithm to replace the filt


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