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学 士 学 位 论 文 THESIS OF BACHELOR (2007 — 20 11年) 题 目 浅论中国百年女性文学中的婚恋观 学 科 部: 专 业: 对外汉语 班 级: 07级 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 起讫日期: 2011.1~2011.6 浅论中国百年女性文学中的婚恋观 摘 要:中国女性文学兴于“五四”运动,说到女性文学就不得不说女性的婚恋观。中国古代女性的社会地位低下,婚恋权利更是无权拥有,现如今,女性社会地位趋于平等。从古至今,女性在婚恋观上的发展变化体现了女性自我意识的增强,社会地位的提高。近代女性向往至纯至美的爱情,婚姻自由,反对旧式包办婚姻,大胆追求意志自由、恋爱自由、婚姻自由。随着时代的发展,女性追求个性解放,用爱欲来实现所谓的个性解放。在男权社会下,婚姻还是束缚女性希望得到解放的囚笼,是窒息生命欲望的坟墓,所以大多数的爱情与婚姻都充满悲剧性。然而,中国社会经历了哟偶改革开放走向世界,人们的思想意识,价值观念也随之发生巨大的改变,在这种背景下,女性文学中的婚恋小说则获得了空前的发展与繁荣。也就是当代女性文学中交织着理想与现实的婚姻观和追求爱情与婚姻的和谐。在到现在的21世纪,女性逐渐确立“和而不同”的现代思维方式,因此,女性要建立传统婚恋伦理观的“现代”的独立、平等、自由观念的婚姻关系。 关键词:女性文学,婚恋观,平等自由,个性解放,自我意识 Abstract The Chinese female literature in the May 4 movement, said to female literature had to say that womens love and marriage. Ancient Chinese womens low social status, marriage rights is entitled to have social status, nowadays, women tend to be equal. Historically, women in the development and change of marriage reflects on women self-awareness enhancement, the social ladder. Modern women yearning to pure and beautiful love, marriage freedom, against old-fashioned arranged marriage, bold pursuit of free will, love freedom, freedom of marriage. Along with the development of The Times, the pursuit of female liberation, with lust to achieve the so-called liberation. In the patriarchal society, marriage or bound women want to be liberated, is choking its grave, so the life desire most of love and marriage are filled with tragic. However, Chinese society has experienced yo accidentally reform and opening up towards the world, peoples ideology, concept of value has been changed huge change, in this context, the female literature is the romantic novels achieved unprecedented development and prosperity. In contemporary female literature is the ideal and the reali


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