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花苑新村小区停车场管理系统 学院:工程与设计学院 专业:计算机科学与技术 班级:计算机111 姓名:段名奇 指导教师:朱文耀 摘要 随着人们生活水平的提高,大多数家庭都买了小轿车方便出行,从而加大了对停车场车位的需求,一个好的停车场管理系统可以帮助管理员管理停车场车库和停车信息,并且可以提高工作效率。花苑新村小区停车场管理系统管理系统Garden Village residential parking management Profession:Computer science and technology Class: Computer 111 classes Name:Duan Mingqi Instructor : Zhu Wenyao Abstract With the development of our national economy, the improvement of peoples living standard, the majority of families to buy a car, to facilitate their travel. In order to increase the demand for parking, a parking management system can help the administrators to manage the parking garage and parking information, and can improve the work efficiency, and this is my development of garden village, residential parking management system reasons.Garden Village residential parking management system using ASP.NET framework for the development of Microsoft programming language, written using C# language for program code, development environment using VS2010 integrated development environment to develop, with the Microsoft SQL 2005 database to store the system data information.Garden Village residential parking management system functions: the use of computers to manage the vehicle and the owner of the information, to achieve paperless, query analysis, statistics of the data, greatly enhance the work efficiency. Garden Village District parking management system realizes all the information management of fixed vehicle to vehicle, all the information management and vehicle into, out of the station information recording and calculating the cost of parking spaces, and then realize the function of information management and statistical inquiries. Key words: system C # database ASP.NET 目 录 绪 论 1 第一章 概述 2 1.1 项目研究背景和意义 2 1.2 项目目标 2 1.3项目目的 2 1.4 设计思想 3 第二章 系统开发环境和关键技术 4 2.1 互联网信息服务 4 2.2 ASP.NET框架 4 2.3 Microsoft Visual Studio2010开发平台 4 2.4 B/S架构介绍 5 2.5 SQL数据库介绍 5 第三章 系统需求分析 6 3.1 系统可行性分析 6 3.2 系统结构 6 3.3 系统用例 6 第四章 系统总体设计 8 4.1 系统功能模块划分 8 4.2 数据库


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