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第 28 卷 第 8期 V ol. 28 N o. 8 2 0 1 0 年 8 月 CH INESE ARCH IVES OF TRAD IT OI NAL CH INESE M ED CI INE A ug. 2 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 刘 梅 , 王拥军 , 施 杞 , 周重建 , 胡志俊 , 李晨光 , 张 宁 ( 1. , 201203; 2. , 200032) : 目的: 探讨土鳖虫最 提取工艺方法: 以土鳖虫蛋白质含量为指标, 采用单因素和多因素考察方法 优选土鳖虫最 提取工艺结果: 最 提取工艺为土鳖虫粉碎过 65 目筛, 加 7倍水, 匀浆 6mm, 静置 1h, 取上清 液结论: 最 提取工艺合理可行 : 土鳖虫; 蛋白质; 工艺研究 : R2 84. 2 : A : 167 3- 77 17 ( 2010) 08- 1657 - 03 Study on Extraction Tec nology ofE up olyp hag a S inen sis 1 2 2 2 2 1 L IU M e , W ANG Y ongjun , SH I Q , ZHOU Chongj an , HU Zh juan, L I Chenguang , ZHANG N ng ( 1. Shangha U n vers ty of T CM, Shangha 20 1203, Ch na; 2. Inst tute of Sp na l D sease of Shangh a U n vers ty of T CM, Shangh a 200032, C h na) Abstrac:t O bj ectiv e: T o nvest gate the best extract on technology o fE up o lyp haga S inensis . M ethods: optm ze the best extract on techno logy on Indexes of pro te n leve ls through the s ng le factor n fluence and the m ult - factor n fluence. R e sults: the best ex tract on techno logy: g r nd ng through 65 screen, w th 12 tm es w a ter, homogenated 6m n and standed 1hr. C onclu sion: the best extrac t on techno logy s reasonab le and feas b le. Key w ords: E up o lyp hag a s inene is ; pro te n; extract on techno logy , , E up o lyp hag a sinensis Steleop hag a p lancy i ( Boleny) 2 [ 1] 2. 1 土鳖虫提取工艺的单因素考察! !! 提取方法考察 , , , 癥瘕积聚, 血滞经闭等其主要成分为蛋白质及氨 , , , , , 3 2. 1.


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