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学 士 学 位 论 文 THESIS OF BACHELOR (20 —2012年) 基于S的 邮件收发、邮件管理 Design and Implementation of the E-mail System on Struts2 Send and receive mail, email management 指 导 老 师 : 姓 名 : 学 号 : 学 院 : 软件学院 专 业 : 软件工程 完 成 时 间 : 201年 月 随着互联网快速、广泛的普及应用电子邮件最大的特点是,人们可以在任何地方时间收、发信件,解决了时空的限制,大大提高了工作效率,为办公自动化,商业活动提供了很大便利。各类企业的业务交流越加依托于网络通讯,电子邮件系统也越发成为的主流级应用Java EE作为开发平台运用MVC模式开发思想Struts2框架技术实现。系统具有收发邮件、邮件管理、通讯录、搜索等功能,初步完成电子邮件系统的要求。 本文以电子邮件系统为背景,详细地阐述了基于UML的面向对象的系统分析与建模过程, Abstract With the wide application of Internet, e-mail becomes more and more popular among people. People can send and receive e-mails anywhere at any time, increasing their efficiency and making Office Automation and commercial activities more convenient. The communication between enterprises, schools, even people depends more on network communication. As a result, e-mail becomes the main application in enterprises and schools. Compared with traditional mail service, e-mail provides fast, safe and cheap service to people. Using our system, users can send and receive e-mails at any time as well as replying and resending. Whats more, it provides fuzzy retrieval of the whole passage, making it easier for users to find the mail they need. Having analyzed the existing e-mail system and aiming at providing a lightweight system, we choose J2EE as the develop platform and use MVC pattern and Stucts2 framework to implement it. The system provides functions such as mail sending, mail receiving, mail management, address book and searching. We have accomplished the basic task of the system. E-mail as the background, the article describe the object oriented system analysis based on UML, modeling process as well as detailed design in detail. Besides, the implementation of mail sending, mail receiving and mail management are described detailedly. Key words: Struts; MVC; UML; send and receive mails; e-mail management. 目 录 第1章 引言 1 1.1 电子邮件介绍 1 1.2 开发背景 2 1.3 开发环境 2 1.4 本人主要工作 3 1.5 本文组织


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