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XXX大学本科生毕业论文 数控车床进给系统设计 院    (系):机电工程学院 专     业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学     号:学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 2010年6月 摘 要 数控技术和数控设备是制造工业现代化的重要基础。数控车床是机械和电子技术的相结合的产物,它的机械结构随着计算机技术在车床上的普及及应用,以及对车床性能提出的更高的技术要求,而逐步发展变化。与普通车床的工艺相比较,数控车床工艺装备的制造精度更高、灵活性好、适应性更强,其自动化程度更高。 本课题主要是设计一台小型数控车床的进给系统,也设计了与该进给系统相配的数控车床的其它结构,使之成为一台桌面型数控车床,该车床是一台简易数控车床,具有尺寸小,切削速度高等特点。 本文对桌面型数控车床的基本结构、基本尺寸进行了详细的设计、计算,提出了桌面型数控车床的控制方案,并利用UG NX5对桌面型数控车床的结构进行三维建模,以便更直观地展现设计思想和装配及运动仿真;然后对在设计中选择的各种零件中的典型零件进行校核计算,保证设计的可靠性。 关键词:数控车床;进给系统;高速切削 ABSTRACT CNC technology and CNC equipment are among the most important foundations for the modernizing of the manufacturing industry. CNC lathe machine tool is a kind of machine that combines electronic technology and mechanical technology. Its mechanical structure evolves gradually with the wide application of computer technology on lathe and the higher and higher requirements of the performance of lathe. Compared with conventional lathe, CNC lathe has a better precision, a better flexibility and a better adaptability, and also more automated. The issue is to design the feeding system of a small CNC lathe, yet it also has the design of the corresponding overall structure and system for the feeding system of the lathe machine, making it a desktop CNC lathe. The lathe is a simple CNC lathe, small in size, and high cutting speed feature the machine. The detailed and in depth design and calculation of the basic structure and size of the desktop CNC lathe is included in this paper. The controlling solution for the desktop CNC lathe is also designed in this paper. A 3D modeling of the desktop CNC lathe is done using UG NX5 to get a more intuitive display of the designing idea and also to present the total assembly and the motion simulation. Then some check calculation is done to the typical components among all the components selected to ensure the reliability of the design. Key words: CNC lathe;feed system;high-speed cutting 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 本课题的研究背景 1 1.1.1 数控系统发展简史 1 1.1.2 国内数控机床状况分析 1 1.


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