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第 卷第 期 船舶力学 17 12 Vol.17 No.12 2013 年 月 12 Journal of Ship Mechanics Dec. 2013 Article ID : 1007-7294 (2013 )12-1439-08 Research on the Influence of Welding Residual Stresses on the Strength of Ship Structures based on Continuous Transient Model HU Guang-xu, MENG Mei, LIU Bing, GONG Qing-tao (Ship College, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China) Abstract: During ship manufacturing, welding residual stresses produced in the materials during welding process because of local thermal expansion and contraction, which would affect the strength of ship structures. To study the influence of welding residual stresses on the strength of ship struc鄄 tures, a continuous transient simulation model are proposed, which adds extra external loads follow鄄 ing with the thermal-mechanical welding simulation model. The model is used to analyze the strength data with and without welding residual stress. The results show that the position of structural weak鄄 ness are transformed by welding residual stresses. From this study, it can be concluded that residual stresses must be included in strength design of local crucial hull and the continuous transient model is a valid calculation approach. Key words: welding residual stress; hull strength; FEM; transient analysis CLC number: U661.43 Document code: A doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-7294.2013.12.008 1 Introduction Calculation of structural strength is an important content in the design process of ship and marine product. Through the calculation, the stress and strain can be


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