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Dragon TV Interview: Developing a Comprehensive, Integrated Dialogue With China Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Interview With Yang Lan of Dragon TV Beijing, China February 22, 2009 MS. YANG: But this is a beautiful Embassy. SECRETARY CLINTON: Isnt it? I am so proud and impressed by it. It took a long time to build, but it is very beautiful and very functional. And the architecture is Chinese-inspired, so its really a wonderful addition to our embassy community. MS. YANG: And so you are going back today, right? SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes. I have to go back today. MS. YANG: And just in time to celebrate your daughters 29th birthday. SECRETARY CLINTON: Thats true. She will be 29 on Friday. And I am very much looking forward to seeing her for a birthday dinner. MS. YANG: Okay. So what kind of path do you like to see her take? I know she has been studying health policy and management at Columbia. SECRETARY CLINTON: Thats right. I think she is someone who charts her own path, and I am very impressed and delighted at the choices that she has made. I just, like most mothers, want her to be happy and have a good life. And that is really all I wish for her. MS. YANG: Does she resemble you in the ways that she does things? SECRETARY CLINTON: I think she is a good combination of both her father and me. She has a very wonderful personality, and she is a hard worker, and she is a good friend and a caring person. So I am just very happy to be her mother. MS. YANG: I know you have just had a dialogue with the Chinese women. Some of them you have known for 11 years. Well, to the younger generation of women, like your daughters, what kind of advice would you like to give to those who aspire to succeed and lead, but could be afraid of failure? SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, thats a good way of phrasing the question, because I think that overcoming your fears, whether youre a young woman or a young man, to be willing to take a risk, to try something different, to follow your heart,


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