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1 河北2013专接本英语真题 《英语》试卷 (考试时间90分钟) (总分120分) 说明:请将客观题答案填涂在答题卡的相应位置上,作文在答题纸相应位置上作答,在其它位置作答无效。 I .Phonetics (5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. A. uncle B. umbrella C. custom D. universal 2. A .experience B. exact C. exam D. exist 3. A .calm B. hall C. talk D. ball 4. A .nineteenth B. ninth C. southern D. fifth 5. A .literature B. mature C. nature D. feature II. Situational Dialogues (15 points) Section A (5 points) Directions: In this section there are 5 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6. ----How about joining us for a cup of coffee? ----____________ A. I’d love to B. Of course not C. Say it D. Go ahead 7. ----Hello! May I speak to Ann, please? A .It doesn’t matter. B. I’m sorry. C. what’s your name?. D. Sorry, I can’t. 8. ----How nice and cool the water is! But I’m feeling a bit hungry now. Shall we have something to eat? ----____________Let’s go there now. A .No, I don’t like. B. It’s my pleasure. C. Sound good. D. Thank you. 9. ----How was your weekend? ----__________________ A. I had a great time. B. I went to Beijing. C. I left Beijing at 7. D. I like weekend. 10. ----Well done. Congratulations on your success. A. Thank you very much. B. Oh, no, no. C. No, I didn’t do very well. D. Sorry, I couldn’t do any better. Section B (10 points) Directions: In this section there is a long conversation with 5 missing sentences. At the end of the conversation, there is a list of given choices. You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the conversation. The


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