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U1 Traditional Chinese Medicine:History and Development 四大经典: 黄帝内经:Huangdi`s Cannon of Medicine 难 经: Classic of Difficulties 伤寒杂病论:Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases 神农本草经:Shengnong`s Classic of Materia Medica 金元四大家(four great medical schools in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties)及学术观点、学派 刘完素——School of Cold and Cool。 believed that “fire—heat”was the main cause of a variety of diseases and these diseases should be treated with drugs cold and cool in nature。 张从正——School of Purgation。 believed that all diseases were caused by exogenous pathogenic factors and advocated that pathogenic factors should be driven out by means of diaphoresis,emesis and purgation。 李 杲——School of Reinforcing the Earth。 held that “internal impairment of the spleen and stomach would bring about various diseases”and emphasized that the most important thing in clinical treatment was to warm and invigorate the spleen and stomach。(内伤脾胃,百病由生……温补脾胃) 朱震亨——School of Nourishing Yin。 Believed that “yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient”and advocated the remedies of nourishing yin and reducing fire in treatment of diseases。 中医的内容: 针灸:acupuncture moxibustion 拔罐:cupping therapy 刮痧:skin scraping 冥想:meditation 推拿:Tui namassage 正气:healthy qi 食疗:dietetic therapy 理疗:physiotherapy 放疗:radiotherapy 化疗:chemotherapy 保健:health-care 整体观:holistic view 整体观念:concept of holism 辨证论治:treatment based on syndrome differentiation 治疗原则:therapeutic principles 温补脾胃:warming and tonifying the spleen and stomach 寒凉药物:drugs cold and cool in nature 滋阴降火: nourishing yin and reducing fire 五行学说:the theory of five elements 瘀血致病:diseases caused by blood stagnation 中医四诊:the four diagnostic methods 四气五味:four properties and five flavors 中西医结合:integration of Chinese and Western medicine 方剂:formula 汗法:sweating method 下法:purgative method 方剂学:Chinese medical formula -ology学科、研究 心理学:psychology 生理学:physiology 病理学:pathology 病因学


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