
Ductility Evaluation of ConcreteEncased Steel Bridge Piers Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Loading.pdf

Ductility Evaluation of ConcreteEncased Steel Bridge Piers Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Loading.pdf

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Ductility Evaluation of ConcreteEncased Steel Bridge Piers Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Loading

Ductility Evaluation of Concrete-Encased Steel Bridge Piers Subjected to Lateral Cyclic Loading 1 2 3 Hideki Naito ; Mitsuyoshi Akiyama, Aff.M.ASCE ; and Motoyuki Suzuki Abstract: An experimental and analytical study was conducted to investigate the ductility of concrete-encased steel piers, referred to as “steel-reinforced concrete SRC construction.” Based on the cyclic lateral loading tests of SRC column specimens, the restorable and ultimate limit states are defined as the point when concrete cover spalling occurs equivalent to longitudinal bar buckling and the point when flange buckling of the H-shaped steel occurs, respectively. To estimate the lateral displacement capacity at both the restorable and ultimate limit states, the curvature distribution of the column was calculated based on the buckling analysis of the longitudinal bar, which was restrained by a concrete cover and transverse reinforcement, and of the steel flange encased in concrete. The lateral displacement was obtained by integrating the curvature distribution. Comparison of the computed results with experimental results, including other writers’ reports, confirmed that the proposed method can appropriately estimate the lateral displacement at the restorable and ultimate limit states, and it can accurately evaluate the buckling characteristics of the longitudinal bar and steel flange components of SRC column specimens. DOI: 10.1061/ASCEBE.1943-5592.0000120 CE Database subject headings: Composite columns; Cyclic loads; Ductility; Damage; Buckling; Bridges, steel; Piers. Author keywords: Composite columns; Cyclic loads; Ductility; Damage; Buckling. Introduction piers. The specific objectives of this research are the


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