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Velocity的学习笔记 原文地址 /engine/releases/velocity-1.6.4/user-guide.html 简要 References begin with $ and are used to get something. Directives begin with # and are used to do something. 注释 单行 ## 多行 #* *# doc #** *# 引用 变量 属性 注意$customer.Address可以表示customer的getAddress方法,也可以表示customer map中的Address对应的value. 方法 As of Velocity 1.6, all array references are now magically treated as if they are fixed-length lists. This means that you can call java.util.List methods on array references. 可变参数当作数组。 属性查找顺序 小写的属性$customer.address 1.getaddress() 2.getAddress() 3.get(address) 4.isAddress() 大写的属性$customer.Address 1.getAddress() 2.getaddress() 3.get(Address) 4.isAddress() Rendering 引擎把每一个引用都转变为String,可以调用toString方法转变。 Formal Reference Notation Jack is a ${vice}maniac. Now Velocity knows that $vice, not $vicemaniac, is the reference. Formal notation is often useful when references are directly adjacent to text in a template. Quiet Reference Notation Java代码 input?type=text?name=email?value=$email/?? input type=text name=email value=$email/ 当$email没有定义的时候输出$email. Java代码 input?type=text?name=email?value=$!email/?? input type=text name=email value=$!email/ 当$email没有定义的时候输出. Strict References Setting 对未定义变量,或null变量调用方法抛异常。 但是if语句可以使用未定义变量。 Directives #set Java代码 #set(?$monkey.Say?=?[Not,?$my,?fault]?)?##?ArrayList ?? #set(?$monkey.Map?=?{banana?:?good,?roast?beef?:?bad})?##?Map?? #set( $monkey.Say = [Not, $my, fault] ) ## ArrayList #set( $monkey.Map = {banana : good, roast beef : bad}) ## Map For the ArrayList example the elements defined with the [..] operator are accessible using the methods defined in the ArrayList class. So, for example, you could access the first element above using $monkey.Say.get(0). Similarly, for the Map example, the elements defined within the { } operator are accessible using the methods defined in the Map class. So, for example, you could access the first element above using $monkey.Map.get(banana) to return a


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