Implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the Supply Chain 11.pdf

Implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the Supply Chain 11.pdf

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Implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the Supply Chain 11.pdf

Lean Six Sigma Glossary 5S: A method of creating a self-sustaining culture that perpetuates an organized, clean, and efficient work place. Also referred to as the five pillars of the visual workplace. 8 wastes: See waste. affinity diagram: A tool to organize ideas and data which allows a large number of ideas to be sorted into groups. Analyze phase: Third step of the Six Sigma Define–Measure–Analyze– Improve–Control phase. Data is analyzed in this step to verify cause-and-effect relationships and determine the relationships. appraisal cost: A cost of poor quality associated with, but not limited to, test and inspection, supplier acceptance sampling, and audit- ing processes. attribute gauge RR: Measurement systems analysis performed on qualitative data in an effort to gauge repeatability and reproducibility. audit: A method of assessing the effectiveness of process improvement. baseline: The starting point of a current process with respect to pro- cess metrics. benchmarking: An activity to establish internal expectations for excel- lence, based on direct comparison to “best.” In some cases, the best is not a direct competitor in your industry. Black Belt: A person trained to execute critical projects for break- through improvements to enhance the bottom line. 249 250  ◾  Lean Six Sigma Glossary boundary: The starting and stopping point of a process under consid- eration for process improvements. box plot: A method of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through five-number summaries. brainstorming: A technique to generate a large number of ideas in a short period of time. breakthrough thinking: A method of brainstorming for creative problem solving that promotes


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