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Linear Quadratic Optimal Control problem.pdf
Chapter 6
In this chapter, we study a different control design methodology, one which is based on optimization.
Control design objectives are formulated in terms of a cost criterion. The optimal control law is the one
which minimizes the cost criterion. One of the most remarkable results in linear control theory and design
is that if the cost criterion is quadratic, and the optimization is over an infinite horizon, the resulting
optimal control law has many nice properties, including that of closed loop stability. Furthermore, these
results are intimately connected to system theoretic properties of stabilizability and detectability.
6.1 Quadratic Forms
Before we state the optimal control problem, we review briefly the concept of quadratic forms. Let S be an
n × n symmetric matrix, i.e., S = ST . For x ∈ Rn , the scalar-valued function xT Sx is called a quadratic
form associated with S . It is known from linear algebra that if S is symmetric, all its eigenvalues are
real, and it is diagonalizable by an orthogonal matrix M , meaning that M −1 = M T . If every quadratic
form associated with S , xT Sx ≥ 0, we say S is positive semidefinite and write S ≥ 0. If for any x = 0,
xT Sx 0, we say S is positive definite and write S 0.
Example: The matrix
1 0
S1 =
0 0
is positive semidefinite, while the matrix
1 0
S2 =
0 4
is positive definite.
It can be shown that S ≥ 0 if and only if all its e
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