
Masterpieces of Chinese Painting from the Met Intro and Object Lists.pdf

Masterpieces of Chinese Painting from the Met Intro and Object Lists.pdf

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Masterpieces of Chinese Painting from the Met Intro and Object Lists.pdf

Masterpieces of Chinese Painting from the Metropolitan Collection Rotation 1: 10/31/2015–4/17/2016 Rotation 2: 5/7/2016– 10/11/2016 During the last forty years, the Metropolitan’s collection of Chinese painting and calligraphy has grown to be one of the greatest in the world. With masterpieces dating from the Tang dynasty (608–917) to the Qing (1644– 1911), the collection encompasses the vast historical sweep of the brush arts of China, from meticulous court painting to fiercely brushed dragons to lyrical paintings by scholars. The exhibition is part of a yearlong celebration marking the centennial of the Department of Asian Art. This exhibition, presented in two rotations, will highlight the gems of the permanent collection in a chronological display, with an emphasis on works from the Song (960– 1279) and Yuan (1271– 1368) dynasties. 大都会馆藏中国书画精品特展 一期: 10/31/2015–4/17/2016 二期: 5/7/2016– 10/11/2016 过去四十年中,大都会博物馆逐渐发展成世上最重要的中国书画收藏機構之一。馆藏囊括唐朝 (618–907) 到當今的历代笔墨精華,從祥和的佛经,到浮夸的宫廷肖像,再到遣興的文人画。展览 将馆藏珍品按時代陈列,对宋 (960– 1279)、元 (1271– 1368) 两朝尤有侧重。 Rotation 1 一期: 10/31/2015–4/17/2016 MASTERPIECES OF CHINESE PAINTING FROM THE METROPOLITAN COLLECTION, Rotation 1 (10/31/2015-4/17/2016) 韓幹 照夜白圖 卷 Han Gan, Chinese, active ca. 742–756 Night-Shining White China Handscroll ca. 750 Handscroll; ink on paper 1977.78 傳鍾紹京 楷書靈飛經 冊 Zhong Shaojing, Chinese, active ca. 713–41 Spiritual Flight Sutra China Album ca. 738 Album of nine leaves; ink on paper 1989.141.1a–i 南宋 佚名 明皇幸蜀圖 軸 Unidentified Artist Emperor Xuanzongs Flight to Shu China Hanging scroll mid-12th century Hanging scroll; ink, color, and gold on silk 41.138 五代/北宋 佚名 乞巧圖 軸 Unidentified Artist Palace Banquet China Hanging scroll Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk 2010.473 北宋 佚名 倣范寬山水圖 軸 Unidentified Artist Fan Kuan, Chinese, active ca. 990–1030 Landscape in the St


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