
Robust Sampled-Data Control of Linear Singularly Perturbed Systems.pdf

Robust Sampled-Data Control of Linear Singularly Perturbed Systems.pdf

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Robust Sampled-Data Control of Linear Singularly Perturbed Systems.pdf

470 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. 51, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 Robust Sampled-Data Control of Linear Singularly Moreover,   tk+1 tk . The solutio nto the problem is found the nby Perturbed Systems solving the problem for a continuous-time system with uncertai nbut bounded (by the maximum sampling interval) time-varying delay i Emilia Fridma the control input via Lyapunov technique. Give h 0, the conditions obtained are robust with respect to different samplings with the only requirement that the maximum sampling interval is not greater tha h. Abstract— State-feedback H control problem for linear singularly per- Stability of singularly perturbed systems with a constant delay h has turbed systems with norm-bounded uncertainties is studied. The fast vari- ables are sampled with fast rates ,while for the slow variables both cases bee nstudied i ntwo cases: 1) h is proportional to (small delay), and of slow and of fast sampling are considered. The recent “input delay” ap- 2) and h are independent. The first case, being less general tha nthe proach to sampled-data control is applied ,where the closed-loop system is second one, is encountered i nmany publications (see, e.g., [11], [10], represented as a continuous one with time-varying input delay. Linear ma- and the references therein). The second case has bee nstudied i nthe trix inequalities (LMIs) fo


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