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Safety Risk Analysis and Control.pdf
Proceedings of ACUUS2009
Safety Risk Analysis and Control
Of Subsea Tunnel Construction
ZHANGDing鄄li,LI Bing,FANG Qian,LI Peng鄄fei淤
摇 ABSTRACT :Because of thedfificulty ingeology sur鄄 fracture zone had fallen for 8 -9m郾 Because of
vey andthecharacteristicof subseatunnelitsefl ,subseatun鄄 these occurrences andperils of accidents,great at鄄
nel construction brings us greater uncertainty and risks郾 tentionhasbeen paid to safety risk in subsea tun鄄
Subsea tunnel constructionphase is theperiod when safety nel construction by domestic and overseas experts
accident takes place,so more attentions are paid on the (CHENLong HUANGHongwei2005)郾
fault of construction technology and management郾 Infact, 摇 Nevertheless,the previous research mostly fo鄄
safety accidents are caused by the limited understanding of cused on safety control duringsubseatunnel con鄄
geological conditions, the deficiency of tunnel design and struction(WANG Mengshu 2005)郾 In fact,the
lack of management in construction郾 Safety accidents take reason that accident occurred is theunknown ge鄄
placeduring constructionphasearetheresultaccumulatedby ological conditions,the defect of design schemes
all kinds of safety riskfactors郾 In thispaper,based on the and improper control of key links in construc鄄
principle of safety risk,the key risks of subsea tunnel con鄄 tion郾 Therefore,basedontheessential character鄄
struction is confirmed,the characteristic of each riskfactors istics of accident occurrence, the safety risk in
and their development and evolution during each construc鄄 each stage of tunnel construction and its process
tionphases of subseatunnelisstudied郾 This workishelpful of gestating and evolving should be analyzed,
to improve safety risk control technologyfor subsea tunnel郾 and all kinds of dangerous factors and its action
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