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Foam Modellingwith STARS Concepts in Foam Modelling Empirical model Lamella as dispersed component Steam foam simulations Gas foam simulations Conclusions P(INJTR) - (P(PRDN) Versus TimeFoam vs. No Foam Empirical Model Foam mobility reduction is incorporated into modified relative permeability curves Gas phase has reduced and often increased Sgc Water phase propagation is largely unaffected Empirical Model Curves are obtained by matching steady state or dynamic two-phase displacement Empirical Foam Model Flow equation for surfactant Gas phase mobility reduction Summary of Empirical Model Simple, minimum extra cost, minimal data requirements Surfactant propagation modelled correctly Little “physics of foam” in the model Origin of mobility reduction effects Origin of capillary number (velocity) dependence Origin of the effects of oil Limits of empirical model not understood Estimates of formation/coalescence required Foam PropagationThrough Capillaries Based on Hirasaki and Lawson, SPEJ, April 1985 Two types of foam Foam flow resistance depends on number of lamella per unit length Lamella as Dispersed Component Lamella as Dispersed Component A lamella is defined as a surfactant stabilized water-in-gas dispersed component Lamella as Dispersed Component Lamella species is “created” from nsurf moles of surfactant and nwater moles of water Lamella as Dispersed Component The role of surfactant in stabilizing this lamella Lamella as Dispersed Component Lamella concentration equation With Lamella as Dispersed Component This model accounts for Lamella propagation versus trapping In situ lamella generation and decay processes Lamella Model Model balances simplicity and flexibility Parameters affecting rate processes must be quantified Extensive testing of these approaches with experiments at various time and length scales is required Lamella Model Incorporates physical ideas about foam Flowing lamella in gas viscosity model Stationary lamella created vi
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