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Java编程思想(第4版)(评注版) 猛点这里下载全部内容 目录: 第1部分 基本语法 operators(新增批注30条) simpler print statements using java operators precedence assignment mathematical operators unary minus and plus operators auto increment and decrement relational operators testing object equivalence logical operators literals exponential notation bitwise operators shift operators ternary if-else operator string operator + and + common pitfalls when using .operators casting operators truncation and rounding promotion java has no sizeof summary controlling execution (新增批注21条) true and false if-else iteration do-while for the comma operator foreach syntax return break and continue the infamous goto switch summary 第2部分 面向对象 initialization cleanup (新增批注55条) guaranteed initialization with the constructor method overloading distinguishing overloaded methods overloading with primitives overloading on return values default constructors the this keyword calling constructors from constructors the meaning of static cleanup: finalization and garbage collection what is finalize() for? you must perform cleanup the termination condition how a garbage collector works member initialization specifying initialization constructor initialization order of initialization static data initialization explicit static initialization non-static instance initialization array initialization variable argument lists enumerated types summary access control (新增批注21条) package: the library unit code organization creating unique package names a custom tool library java access specifiers package access public: inte


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