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攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 中美金融服务贸易国际竞争力对比分析 学生姓名: 修海军 学生学号: 200810302044 院(系): 经济与管理学院 年级专业:2008级国际经济与贸易 指导教师: 曾 兴 讲师 助理指导教师: 温庭海 助教 二〇一二年六月 摘 要 金融业历来被称为国民经济的动脉,以疏导资金流通的方式为经济的发展提供动力。服务业也因其在提高就业率、繁荣经济等方面的独特作用被各个国家所追捧。而金融服务业,这种具备金融与服务双重性质的新兴产业,对增强一国的经济实力更是具有无可比拟的作用。但在中国,无论是金融业还是服务业的发展都远远落后于一些发达国家。本文通过对中美两国金融服务贸易现状以及各项指标的对比,结合实证分析与规范分析的研究方法,提出中国与美国金融服务贸易存在的差距以及我国金融服务贸易存在的问题,并且找出在美国发展金融服务贸易的过程当中的可借鉴经验,针对提出的问题给出解决的对策,从而指导我国金融贸易走向成熟。 关键词 金融服务贸易,国际竞争力,贸易竞争指数,显性比较优势指标 ABSTRACT Ever since finance industry emerged, it has been compared to the artery of economy for its power of dredging capital flow, which accelerates the development of economy. And service industry, at the same time, is worshiped by so many countries because of its unique function in raising the rate of employment and booming national economy. When the two industries come together, it forms a new industry---- Financial service industry, which includes characters from both finance and service. In addition, its contribution to economic strength is incomparable. However, China is far behind with those developed countries on both finance industry and service industry. With normative analysis and Empirical analysis, this paper compares the current condition, market share, trade competitive index, revealed comparative advantage index of Chinese and American financial service industry, finds out the problems which exits in Chinese financial service industry and valuable experience which lies in American financial service industry and provides solutions to the problems to fill the gap between both countries’ financial service industry. Keywords financial service trade, international competitive capability,TC,RCA 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 绪 论 1 一、有关概念的界定 2 (一)国际服务贸易 2 (二)国际金融服务贸易 3 (三)金融服务贸易竞争力 4 二、中美金融服务贸易发展现状 5 (一)中国金融服务贸易发展现状 5 (二)美国金融服务贸易发展现状 8 三、 中美金融服务贸易国际竞争力的实证比较分析 13 (一)金融服务贸易国际竞争力主要评价指标 13 (二)中美金融服务贸易国际竞争力指标的比较 14 四、提高我国金融服务贸易竞争力的对策 21 (一)美国发展金融服务贸易的启示 21 (二)提高我国金融服务贸易竞


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