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* ACP Journal Clubs general purpose is to select from the biomedical literature articles that report original studies and systematic reviews that warrant immediate attention by physicians attempting to keep pace with important advances in internal medicine. These articles are summarized in value-added abstracts and commented on by clinical experts. ACP Journal Club提供有品質之生物醫學文獻包括原始文獻與Systematic Review ACP:美國專科醫學學會-內科 The American College of Physicians EBM Solution 實證醫學資料庫(20人版) 收錄資源包括: ACP Journal Club:提供臨床實證醫學文獻資訊 ACP Medicine:實證依據的內容與精彩圖片構成最佳的內科參考電子書,主題包含:臨床必備基本學、心臟血管醫學、皮膚醫學、內分泌學、腸胃病學、血液學、免疫過敏學、傳染病學、新陳代謝、腎臟學、神經病學、腫瘤學、心理學、胸腔學、風濕免疫學、婦產學與其他醫療學等 ACP PIER AHFS DI Essentials (含ACPs PIER: The Physicians Information and Education Resource):ACP PIER疾病資料庫,提供臨床及實務上有效的建議預防、診斷、用藥等12種看診時用到的分類;AHFS DI Essentials提供診斷時相關藥物介紹,包括:藥物建議與藥物機轉、劑量、作用、副作用、注意事項等。 AAFPs Conditions A to Z - Patient Information衛教資訊 MedCalc 3000 Complete醫學指數計算公式 Stedmans Medical Dictionary線上醫學字典:EBM Solution的內容反白詞彙,再點選右上角之Stedman’s Lookup便可線上查詢醫學字典。 * Your Essential Evidence Plus Trial Access Order has been processed, and your account is ready to go! Your trial subscription will be valid until September 24, 2008. Username: evelynwang Password: mbdx9epa EBM Guidelines: Clinical Guidelines POEMS: Synopses Information對於原始文章或評論之簡單描述 100多種期刊上超過3000種主題資訊 Abstracts of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Selected Practice Guidelines: recommendations for screening監控, diagnostic approaches,診斷 therapeutic interventions治療 and monitoring patients Decision Support Calculators:例如計算BMI History and Physical Test Calculators: Find out the probability of disease based upon the results of clinical evaluation before doing additional testing. 已有之疾病臨床評鑑結果 Diagnostic Test Calculators: The tool offers test characteristics and an estimate of the probability of disease before conducting a test. 疾病特性介紹 Derm Expert: diagnose dermatological conditions診斷皮膚狀況 E/M Coding: determine the most appropriate code to use for Med


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