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2010 年 11 月 09 日 06:58 AM
The G20 must look beyond Bretton Woods
世界银行行长 罗伯特•佐利克 为英国 《金融时报》撰稿
With talk of 在人们大谈“汇率
currency wars and 战”、而美联储(Fed)定量宽
disagreements over the 松政策引发争议的形势下,
US Federal Reserve’s 本周在首尔举行的“20 国集
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policy of quantitative 团”(G20)峰会,将成为对
easing, the summit of the 国际合作状况的最新检验。
Group of 20 leading 因此我们应该问:为什么要
economies in Seoul this 合作?
week is shaping up as the
latest test of international
co-operation. So we
should ask: co-operation
to what end?
When the G7 上世纪 80 年代,当“7
experimented with 国集团”(G7)尝试开展经济
economic co-ordination 协作时,《广场协议》和《卢
in the 1980s, the Plaza 浮宫协议》的焦点是汇率。
and Louvre Accords 但各项相关支持政策却更为
focused attention on 深远。在时任财长詹姆斯•
exchange rates. Yet the 贝克尔(James Baker)的指
policy underpinnings ran 导下,里根政府力图抵制来
deeper. The Reagan 自国会的保护主义浪潮—
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administration, guided by —于目前的保护主义浪潮
James Baker, the then 如出一辙。为此,里根政府
Treasury secretary, 除了推动汇率协作以外,还
wanted to resist a 发起“乌拉圭回合谈判”,由
protectionist upsurge 此缔造了世界贸易组织
from Congress, like