9A uint4 vocabulary.pptVIP

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9A uint4 vocabulary.ppt

Sandy:What types of TV programs do you like, Millie? Millie:I like watching _________because I learn a lot about nature ,history and real life events from them. Sandy:I prefer ___________. I hope one day I can take part in one of them, answer all the questions and win a great prize! Daniel:I like ___________because actors are always very funny and they make me laugh. Simon:If I have time, I will watch a________________ . There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives. Amy:I love _________so much.My favourite one is Hello Kitty. Andy: Do you like ____________?I think they are great. They always have such interesting stories. Sandy:Yes, bust sometimes they are too long.I don’t have time to sit in front of the TV every night. 1 It is a set of programs that have the same subject or characters. 4 It is very funny. It usually has a happy ending. Homework 6 It can also be called ‘ talk show’. comedy cartoon chat show 5 It is made up of a series of drawings. Most of the children like it I like( prefer) _____because ______________. chat show documentary game show drama series cartoon comedy While-task : Practice the function of the types of TV programmes. * * * Class : Class L(1) Period 4 Vocabulary Task 1 Warming –up Discussing how to relax oneself. Pre-task warming-up Language points 1. weekly adj. 每周一次的, 每周的 a weekly magazine 周刊 a weekly visit 每周一次的拜访 They are doing the weekly cleaning. 他们正在进行每周一次的大扫除。 补充: daily 每天的 monthly 每月的 yearly 每年的 2. Happen vi. 发生, 主语常是物; (无被动语态) The story happened in Shanghai. A fire happened in his factory last night. What happened just now? 常用短语: (1) happen to sb/sth某人/某物发生什么事 If anything happens to the machine, do let me know. (2) happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 I happened to be out when you called. 注意:take place 发生 (无偶然性)无被动语态 The sports meeting take


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