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中国经济管理大学 学员教辅 小保罗·R·墨菲 《MBA当代物流学》习题辅导 /study.asp?vip=2525674 Contents Introduction Chapter 1: Logistics and the Supply Chain 1 Chapter 2: The Supply Chain Management Concept 23 Chapter 3: Logistics and Information Technology 43 Chapter 4: Demand Management, Order Management and Customer Service 62 Chapter 5: Protective Packaging and Materials Handling 81 Chapter 6: Transportation ………………………………………………………………… 98 Chapter 7: Transportation Management 115 Chapter 8: Distribution Center, Warehouse, and Plant Location 135 Chapter 9: Inventory Management 157 Chapter 10: Warehousing Management 182 Chapter 11: Procurement 201 Chapter 12: International Logistics 221 Chapter 13: Logistics Systems Controls 240 Chapter 14: Organizing and Analyzing Logistics Systems 260 PART II ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS CHAPTER 1: LOGISTICS AND THE SUPPLY CHAIN 1. Did it surprise you that logistics can be such an important component in a country’s economic system? Why or why not? 它构成了一个国家至少10%的GDP、对于经济增长有很重要的作用 The answer to this question likely depends on a student’s prior exposure to logistics. A “typical” student in an undergraduate basic logistics course likely has had limited exposure to and knowledge about logistics and thus would likely be unaware as to logistics’ impact on a country’s economic system. As such, she/he might be pleasantly surprised to learn that logistics often accounts for at least 10% of a country’s GDP and also is important for economic growth and development. Distinguish between possession, form, time, and place utility. Possession utility refers to the value or usefulness that comes from a customer being able to take possession of a product and can be influenced by the relevant payment terms. Form utility refers to a product’s being in a form that (1) can be used by the customer and (2) is of value to the customer. Time utility refers to having products available when they are needed by customers while place utility refers to having products a


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