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2012年美国大学生数学建模竞赛参赛通知 + j* h6 Q8 z8 F) y3 m + j3 I0 o W7 J b. L0 W 9 s% {5 p v( N1 m7 E 2 J @3 m3 s3 ?1 T ! M2 a$ n$ {; c: K 数学中国翻译 F D% W2 ?% T7 D! F 翻译人:尹保利,占冰强 $ X1 L) ]0 g% V3 m5 s (说明:任何人或者网站转载必须声明来源于数学中国) 9 ?9 y# j N5 w6 W U! ]! K6 L4 g! Z, y1 N 3 K$ f* {4 v: V) O7 V- w6 W9 m t : J4 M# F X1 i n% A0 ] H0 ~1 e v$ v d; W! F k6 `9 f % v7 w* u9 K% K3 N j- p2012 MCM/ICM Call for Entries 3 A7 g6 L. J% H* _! [4 y2012年美国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)参赛通知 , X5 \5 J7 K/ v# q9 U( y } e- f+ i4 r6 c5 Q1 S. ~ IMC- B# f5 w- r4 L0 u0 F Dear Colleagues: p/ k% G! S) f1 y( X The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM),an international contest for high school students and college undergraduates, will hold its 14th annual competition in February 2012. Last year,735 teams from 150 institutions in four countries participated in the contest. ICM is designed to develop and advance interdisciplinary problem-solving skills as well as competence in written communication. The interdisciplinary problem will focus on a network science issue.$ {) _ G s$ @1 F Y2 _ 第14届国际数学建模竞赛(ICM)将于2012年2 月举行,该赛事是面向大学生和高中生的国际性赛事!去年,来自4个国家的150个院校共735个团队参加了竞赛。ICM 旨在发展并提升学生的解决交叉学科问题的能力和写作论文的能力。交叉学科问题主要以网络科学为主题! ! ]: V6 |3 K* e, f H7 O: o J U Q4 C8 d$ q% O7 U Your institution may take part in the ICM effort by encouraging a member of your department to serve as a faculty advisor and by promoting the participation of faculty and students from associated departments. Advisors help organize the teams,distribute contest materials, and return solution papers to COMAP.$ ^; e: f) g0 x: J) a. ^. J 各院校可以设定一个负责人作来组织学校的学生参加建模比赛,负责人主要起动员和组织学校的学生参加此项赛事,同时负责人帮助学生组队,分发竞赛资料及给竞赛官方发送比赛论文!# J! B4 Y5 | Y) x4 |) U- G t C p G3 R$ @ W0 o Please take a moment to read this Contest Overview, then go to for more information about registration, deadlines, and contest rules. All registration will take place online.If you have any questions please contact icm@. 5 t K- c! R. I请先阅读本竞赛概要,有关登记注册,截止日,竞赛规则等信息可登陆进行查阅。) Z3 e3 X F8 L0 m1 l I 如有疑问,请联系icm



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