《00700017_0000_EN_20161204 POM Hostaform C9021 GV 330》.pdf

《00700017_0000_EN_20161204 POM Hostaform C9021 GV 330》.pdf

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《00700017_0000_EN_20161204 POM Hostaform C9021 GV 330》.pdf

Safety data sheet according to regulation (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Product name HOSTAFORM C 9021 GV3/30 14 TEU/EN BLACK MSDS number 8720006404 Revision Date Dec.04.2009 Revision Number 0 Issuing date Aug.25.2010 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking Product name HOSTAFORM C 9021 GV3/30 14 BLACK Material Number: MSDS ID HF3000 Manufacturer, importer, supplier Ticona GmbH Professor-Staudinger-Straße 65451 Kelsterbach Germany Product Information e-Mail: infoservice@ticona.de Telephone: +49 (0)180-584 2662 FAX: +49 (0)180 - 202 1202 Emergency telephone number +49 - (0)69305 - 6418 Synonyms: Acetal copolymer Polyoxymethylene copolymer End use: Plastic processing industry. 2. Hazards identification Indication of danger Not hazardous Statements of hazard The product does not require a hazard warning label in accordance with EC Directives. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Chemical characterization Polyacetal Copolymer / POM; CAS-RN of the basic polymer: 24969-26-4 Glass Beads reinforced Components CAS-No EC-No. 67/548/EEC Percent % Formaldehyde 50-00-0 200-001-8 C;R34 < 0.1 Carc. Cat.3;R40


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