《XRD Standard Operating Procedure Bruker D8 Discover》.pdf

《XRD Standard Operating Procedure Bruker D8 Discover》.pdf

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《XRD Standard Operating Procedure Bruker D8 Discover》.pdf

Standard Operating Procedure: Bruker D8 Discover (You must be trained by MSE Staff or Authorized Trainer to use this machine) 1. Typical Experiment Sequence 2. Procedures 3. Common Errors and Fixes Last Revision: 2008/12/16 Location: Gerstacker Building B115 Hazards: (The following materials and equipment associated with this procedure present exposure or physical health hazards. Safety precautions are prudent and mandatory.) This unit produces a high intensity X-ray beam. Take all precautions to avoid exposure to the x-rays. Warning: Beryllium! Do not touch the front window of Area detector as it contain Beryllium. Fumes of the dust from Beryllium and its compounds can be hazardous if inhaled! Engineering Controls: [Prior to performing this procedure, the following safety equipment must be accessible and ready for use: (e.g. chemical fume hood, biological safety cabinet, laminar flow hood, chemical spill kits)] None Protective Equipment: [Prior to performing this procedure, the following personal protective equipment must be obtained and ready for use: (acid resistant gloves, safety eyewear, lab coat, chemical splash apron)] You must wear radiation dosimeters when operating this equipment. The dosimeters will be checked every 3 months to determine whether you have received any x-ray exposure. Waste Disposal: (This procedure will result in the follow regulated waste which must be disposed of in compliance with environmental regulations) None Accidental Spill: (In the event that a hazardous material spills during this procedure, be prepared to execute the following emergency procedure) Nat applicable. Typical Experiment Sequence: 1: Sign in Log sheet. 2: Launch GADDS Program 3: Load and align sample with Camera-Laser System 4: Set up scan and save data 5: Quit GADDS program and leave X-Ray Power in standby mode. 6: Sign out Log sheet. Procedures: 1: Sign in Log sheet. Check the m



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