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目录 2005 年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题 2 2005 年秋季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题 8 2006 年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题(1) 15 2006 年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题(2) 21 2005 年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题参考答案 28 2005 年秋季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题参考答案 29 2006 年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题参考答案(1) 30 2006 年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题参考答案(2) 31 1 2005 年春季华中科技大学博士研究生英语入学考试试题 Cloze (1x10=10%) Directions: In this part you are asked to choose the best word for each blank in the passage. Write your answers on the answer sheet. Some kids have a hard time 1 to the new freedom that they acquire when they leave high school and come to college. Here you are able to choose 2 or not you want to go to class. However, this responsibility comes with a great price. If you do not go to class, you may miss an important lecture and these are very critical when it comes time for the test that is fifty percent of your grade. With this responsibility I have learned how to manage my time more 3 . 4 hating every minute of school, I value it 5 a time for me to prepare for the big test. This new schedule has also changed me in that now I 6 school is worth my time. I do not dread going to class. Yes, it is boring some of the time but since I only have two to four classes a day for only four days out of the week, it is not as 7__ as high school. Also many of my courses require more in depth thinking. As an alternative to doing worksheets and 8 simple questions, college courses call 9 _ analysis and thought. Almost all of my homework now is writing papers and reading books. These to this routine, I have been able to investigate and recognize meaning more 10 and it has helped me in my thought process. 1. A) content B) to adopt C) finding D) adjusting 2. A) where B) when C) whether D)


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