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日照职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:日照市港口物流业的现状及发展战略研究 院 部: 工商管理学院 专 业: 物流管理 学 号: 201020030202 学生姓名: 陈艳华 指导教师: 申作兰 职 称: 导师 二O一三 年 五 月 十一 日 摘要 物流的发展对一国经济的发展非常重要,而港口物流作为联结水陆运输的核心枢纽更是举足轻重。港口物流是水运模式下的现代物流集成系统,是物流环节中不可或缺的一环,实现了供应链物资流通整体系统中基础的物流支持和附加的增值服务功能。大力发展港口物流对我国贸易发展及经济发展都十分必要,而发展现代物流是港口物流发展的必然趋势。 日照港是伴随着我国改革开放诞生、成长起来的新兴沿海港口,1982年正式开工建设,1986年投产运营,是我国重点发展的沿海20个主枢纽港之一,新亚欧大陆桥东方桥头堡。Abstract The development of logistics is very important to the development of a countrys economy, and port logistics as the core hub of links land and water transportation is important. Port logistics is the waterway mode of modern logistics integrated system is an integral part of the logistics chain, supply chain flow of goods in the overall system-based logistics support and additional value-added services. Vigorously develop the port logistics is necessary for the development of Chinas trade and economic development, and the development of modern logistics is the inevitable trend of development of port logistics. RiZhao Port is accompanied by the birth of the reform and opening up in China, grew up in the emerging coastal ports, officially started construction in 1982 and put into operation in 1986, is one of the main hub ports, Chinas focus on the development of the 20 coastal east bridgehead of the new Eurasian Continental Bridge. With modern logistics industry is booming and port to port logistics center of the third generation excessive, toward the port of modern logistics industry become an inevitable choice for the development of Rizhao Port. Rizhao Port, for example, the current situation of its departure from the actual situation of Rizhao Port simple SWOT analysis, analysis of RiZhao City, the advantages of the development of port logistics industry factors and disadvantages of factors, pointed out the opportunities and threats facing RiZhao City, the development of port logistics industry development strategy, and the moder



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