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目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 采样机的种类 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.4 本文主要设计内容 4
1.4.1 设计任务要求 4
1.4.2 设计内容 4
第二章 工作原理 5
2.1 设计提出 5
2.2 方案比较 5
2.3采样机结构 6
2.4工作原理 11
第三章 液压系统设计 12
3.1 液压系统设计原则 12
3.2 龙门液压系统的设计 12
3.2.1 液压缸设计中应注意的问题 13
3.2.2 工况分析 13
3.2.3 龙门液压系统保压回路 13
3.3 采样机构液压系统设计 15
3.3.1 工况分析 15
3.3.2 采样机液压系统 16
3.3.3 采样液压系统工作原理 17
3.3.4 采样液压系统特点 18
第四章 采样头设计 19
4.1 采样头的设计要求 19
4.2 采样头结构设计 19
4.2.1 楔形采样头 19
4.2.2 破碎头 20
4.2.3 双拉门结构 20
第五章 总结及展望 21
5.1 总结 21
5.2 展望 21
参考资料: 22
致谢: 22
摘 要
With the development of modern industry, cement plants, power plants and other coal big into the furnace in order to achieve the automatic control of the production process of coal moisture, ash, heat, high accuracy requirements, raw coal sampling laboratory component. Previously, the usual sampling means for manual sampling, manual sampling, often subject to sampling tools, human factors, not only wasting a lot of labor, the coal sample representativeness is not strong. Automatic mechanical sampling machine instead of manual sampling, to ensure timely, accurate and representative sampling.
This article, the structural design of the sampling machine. Take into account the flexibility and adaptability of the sampler, the sampler, the main structure of the vehicle movable gantry sampling machine. Work, sampling machine gantry across the board coal compartment, removable car is equipped with a gantry rail car carrying the sample institutions anywhere compartment sampled.
The most prominent feature of this sampler for the integration of multiple loading conditions the sliding door sampling head. Can satisfy the sampling requirements of coal in dry, rain and snow, and coal, humidity and other conditions, that is the main control system can control the sampling head pulled in different conditions of different sliding door a sliding door of the
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