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摘要 随着电子和计算机技术的发展,实现多用户多种能耗仪表的自动抄录己成为可能,同时,住宅小区的智能化、网络化已成为住宅建设的发展方向,应用现代化计算机技术、通讯技术、传感技术的耗能表远传系统也逐渐进入寻常百姓的日常生活。由此设计出水、电、气、暖四表联网系统。该系统主要是应用计算机技术、通讯技术、自动检测技术来完成水、电、气、热表等的自动监控和计费功能。从而实现对整个小区能源消耗的现代化管理,使物业管理走向智能化、自动化。它的工作模式为,采集器采集电表脉冲个数,采集器把采集来的信息存储在集中器里,便于中心微机随时调取各个用户的用量,同时又可以通过计算机对用户用量参数进行设定,实现管理的自动化、智能化,后备电源的设计为系统的稳定性提供了保证,使在停电后能够继续工作72小时。 关键词:采集器、集中器、管理微机、后备电源、485总线 Abstract With the development of electron and computer, automatic meter reading system has a possibility to be put into reality. The residential district intellectualization, the network have become the residence construct the development direction, using the modernization computer technology, the communication technology, the sensing technology consumes energy the table far biography system also gradually to enter the common peoples daily life. From this designs the water leakage, the electricity, the gas, the warm four table networking system. This system mainly is using the computer technology, the communication technology, the automatic detection technology completes the water, the electricity, the gas, the calorimeter and so on the automatic monitoring and the cost function. Thus realizes to the entire plot energy consumption modern management, causes the estate management to move towards the intellectualization, the automation. Its working pattern is, the gathering electric instrument pulse integer, gathering the information storage which gathers in the concentrator,is advantageous for the central microcomputer to take each user along with the new tunes the amount used, simultaneously may carry on the hypothesis through the computer to the user amount used parameter, the realization management automation, the intellectualization, the reserve power source design has provided the guarantee for the system stability, causes can continue after the power cut to work for 72 hours. Keywords: gathering, electric,instrument,concentrator,central microcomputer, reserve power, 485bus 目录 摘要 I Abstrac II 1 绪论



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