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中小企业在我国国民经济的发展中占有重要的地位,电子商务利用简单、快捷、低成本等特点给中小企业的发展带来了新的契机。本文从我国中小企业发展本身说起,概述其发展的优劣势,然后叙述电子商务发展对我国中小企业发展的促进作用,文章的重点是探讨电子商务的盈利模式,如网站型企业电子商务盈利模式主要有佣金模式、交流平台模式和有偿发布模式。中小型企业B2C电子商务盈利模式主要包括:从企业和消费者买卖关系的角度分析,B2C 的商务盈利模式主要分为卖方企业—买方个人的电子商务及买方企业—卖方个人的电子商务两种盈利模式、根据交易的客体分析,可把B2C 电子商务分为无形商品和服务的电子商务模式以及有形商品和服务的电子商务盈利模式;以及从企业管理角度和网上市场角度的分类模式等。总而言之,中小企业发展电子商务需要联系实际寻找适合自己的电子商务盈利模式。
关键词: 中小企业 电子商务 盈利模式
Abstract SMEs in the development of Chinas national economy plays an important role in e-commerce use of simple, fast, low-cost features such as the development of small and medium-sized to bring a new opportunity. This article about Chinas small and medium enterprises to develop their own, outlining the advantages and disadvantages of their development, and then describes the development of electronic commerce on Chinas role in promoting the development of SMEs, the focus of the article is to explore the profitability of e-business models, such as enterprise e-commerce website profit model There are a commission model, platform model and paid release mode. Small and medium-sized enterprises profit model B2C e-commerce include: the sale of businesses and consumers from the point of view of the relationship, B2C business model is divided into profitable enterprises seller - the buyer and the buyers personal e-commerce enterprises - the seller of personal profit in two e-commerce mode, in accordance with the object of transaction analysis, B2C e-commerce can be divided into intangible goods and services, e-commerce model and tangible goods and services, e-commerce profitability model; and from the perspective of business management and e-market models such as the classification point of view. In short, the development of e-commerce needs of small and medium-sized practice looking for their own profit model of e-commerce.
Key words: small and medium-sized e-commerce profit model
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