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动态二进制翻译中的调试器研究 摘 要 动态二进制翻译器采用运行时翻译的方法来动态生成可执行代 码,而传统调试器只能被用来调试静态生成的代码,所以传统调试器 无法被用来调试运行在动态二进制翻译平台之上的可执行程序。为了 调试运行在动态二进制翻译平台之上的可执行程序,本文将提出一个 构建在动态二进制翻译平台之中的调试器框架。 调试器的实现与其所处的机器平台有着强烈的依赖关系,而动态 二进制翻译平台又包含源机器端与目标机器端两种不同的指令集架 构,因此动态二进制翻译平台调试器的实现将同时依赖于这两种机器 平台。为了降低调试器与机器平台的耦合性,本文提出的调试器还具 有可重定向性。 本文创新性地提出了一种具有可重定性的,构建于动态二进制翻 译平台之中的调试器框架。它在中间语言中加入一些调试器原语,降 低了调试器对机器平台的依赖性,使得该框架可以很快地在新的翻译 器中得到实现。它还在动态二进制翻译调试器领域引入回退执行、观 察点和调试脚本等新的概念,使调试过程的消耗时间从十几倍运行时 间降到两倍以内。通过在CrossBit 平台的实现与验证,证明该技术能 高效地帮助程序发现错误所在,提高系统的开发进度。 关键字:动态二进制翻译,调试器,CrossBit 第 I 页 A Research on Debugger of Dynamic Binary Translation ABSTRACT Dynamic binary translator generates the native code on the fly in runtime using translation technology. As the traditional debugger is targeted for statically generated code, it cannot be used to debug the program on dynamic binary translator. In order to enable debugging the program on dynamic binary translator, in this paper, we propose a new debug architecture for applications executing with dynamic binary translation systems. Debugger’s implementation is tightly coupled with the target machine platform. It’s even worse in dynamic binary translation system, as there are two related machine platforms in dynamic binary translation system. The debugger architecture is designed to be retargetable to decouple this relationship. In this paper, we describe a retargetable debugger architecture, and it’s based on dynamic binary translator. New intermediate instructions are designed to decouple the debugger from machine platform. It also introduces some debugging technology to dynamic binary translation, including revers



