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* * Neurobiology of Burn-Out and Depression: Same or Different? * Prof. Philippe Corten Université Libre de Bruxelles Clinique du stress CHU-Brugmann BCNBP Brussels 2014 Hypothesis of depression Neurotrophic Mono-aminergic Inflammatory ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; AVP = arginine vasopressin; CORT = cortisol; DA = dopamine; GRP = gastrin-releasing peptide; IL = interleukin; NE = norepinephrin; NMB = neuromedin B; TNF = tumour necrosis factor. JAK: Janus kinase, STAT: signal transducer and transcription activator, MAP: mitogen-activated protein Anisman et al. 2008 * Stress Stress: rhinencephalic activity related to the sympathetic nervous system www.cliniquedustress.be Physiology of stress Lipolysis Lipogenesis Glucogenesis Cortisol Cholesterol Androsterone ACTH CRF Stress DHEA KREBS Cycle Triglyceride Liver (GammaGT, LDH) Thyroid Food sugars Hyperglycemia Parathyroid Muscles (CPK) Boon (Ostéoporosis) Effect of cortisol Decrease of the volume of the hippocampus R?le Working Memory Episodic and Semantic Memory Management of emotions Effet du cortisol Modification of the volume of the amygdala Decrease (acute stress) then increase (chronic stress) Role: basic emotions Fear, irritability, agressivity Stress: decrease of the prefrontal blood flow Role of the prefrontal cortex: anticipation. It allows to put in perspective informations from the amygdala that it cannot manage anymore = Helplessness fellings to answer adequately to the requirements of the task Stress and decrease of the activity of the Girus Cinguli The Girus Ciguli activity is related to the pain and the pleasure. If it activity decreases, and the pain and the pleasure decrease It can trigger real physical and emotional anesthesias (sideration) Effect of cortisol Decrease of the activity of the nucleus accumbens Effects: Reaction of social aversion inhibition of the flight or fight behavior Increase of the inhibition behavior (freeze) Related to the ventral tegmental area: reward circuitry



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