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南京信息职业技术学院 毕业设计论文 作者 学号 系部 通信学院 专业 题目 LTE网络优化 指导教师 评阅教师 完成时间: 年 月 日--- 年 月 日 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 题目: LTE网络优化 内容摘要:在过去的十多年里,因特网能与且支持系统这两个小组 关键词:LTE 网络优化 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title : LTE network optimization Abstract: In the past decade, the rapid development of the Internet has become a potential driving mobile broadband development. As all over the world more and more people use the fixed broadband and mobile communication consciousness to a new system must be developed, and DSL close and support the rapid development of IP business. After 2005, ran the group pioneered the LTE, system group pioneered the SAE related work, in mid 2006, the two group completed the their initial research and will be transformed into the standard development. Network optimization is based on certain criteria, needs, on the running network parameter acquisition, data analysis and technical research, find network running quality, and through the adjustment of the parameters or take some improvements in technology, improve the service quality of the network, and the utilization rate of resources. Network optimization is an important link of communication engineering operation. For the communication system, network optimization is very important. Key word: LTE network optimization 目录 前 言 6 1 绪论 7 1.1 LTE简介 7 1.2 课题意义 7 1.3 论文内容 7 1.4 本论文章节安排 7 2 LTE网络结构 9 2.1 LTE网络结构 9 2.2 关键技术 9 2.2.1 高阶调制 9 2.2.2 AMC 10 2.2.3 HARQ 10 2.2.4 OFDM 11 2.2.5 OFDMA 11 2.2.6 MIMO 12 2.3 MIMO传输模式 12 3 LTE网络优化案例 13 3.1 君山路与灵江路弱覆盖 13 3.2 凤翔路与林新路(边缘覆盖) 14 3.3 石澄路弱覆盖(切换参数不合理) 14 3.4 江海西路与凤翔北路同频干扰 15 3.5 江海西路与凤翔北路同频干扰 16 4 CDS介绍 18 4.1 CDS简介 18 4.2工作模式 18 4.3菜单功能 19 4.4用户界面 20 4.5测试准备 21 4.5.1测试设备安装 21 4.5.2辅助设备安装 21 4.6测试流程 21 总结与展望 23 前 言 通信信息产业已成为当今国家经济的重要组成部分,是国家综合国力成为方便通信丰富生活的网络优化结果的好坏,网络优化工作的水平的高低,


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