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第32 卷第7 期 通 信 学 报 Vol.32 No.7 2011 年7 月 Journal on Communications July 2011 云计算:体系架构与关键技术 罗军舟,金嘉晖,宋爱波,东方 (东南大学 计算机科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 211189) 摘 要:系统地分析和总结云计算的研究现状,划分云计算体系架构为核心服务、服务管理、用户访问接口等3 个层次。围绕低成本、高可靠、高可用、规模可伸缩等研究目标,深入全面地介绍了云计算的关键技术及最新研 究进展。在云计算基础设施方面,介绍了云计算数据中心设计与管理及资源虚拟化技术;在大规模数据处理方面, 分析了海量数据处理平台及其资源管理与调度技术;在云计算服务保障方面,讨论了服务质量保证和安全与隐私 保护技术。针对新型的云计算应用和云计算存在的局限性,又探讨并展望了今后的研究方向。最后,介绍了东南 大学云计算平台以及云计算研究与应用方面的相关成果。 关键词:云计算;虚拟化;数据中心;海量数据处理;服务质量;安全与隐私 中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-436X(2011)07-0003-19 Cloud computing: architecture and key technologies LUO Jun-zhou, JIN Jia-hui, SONG Ai-bo, DONG Fang (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China) Abstract: Based on the analysis and summary of the previous work, the cloud computing framework can be divided into three layers: core cloud services, cloud service management and user access interface. To realize low-cost, reliable, available and scalable cloud services, the up-to-date key technologies and research progresses of the three layers within the cloud framework are reviewed intensively and extensively. Regarding cloud infrastructure, the strategies for data cen- ter design and management are introduced together with the virtualization technology. In respect of large-scale data proc- essing, several platforms and their resource management and task scheduling mechanisms are investigated extensively. With regard to cloud service quality, both QoS gu


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