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重庆科创职业学院 毕业设计说明书 课题名称 电机软启动控制电路的实现 系 别 机电学院 专 业 机电一体化 班 级 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 电动机软启动控制电路的实现 摘 要 交流异步电机是工农业生产中最重要的拖动设备之一,因其结构简单、维修容易等优点而得到了广泛应用。但电机直接启动时的电流和机械冲击过大,对其自身及拖动设备的使用寿命都会产生影响,较大的电网压降还会影响电网供电和其他设备运行。因此,采用电机软启动技术势在必行。 本文通过分析交流异步电机软启器动工作原理,在Intel 89C51单片机基础上对其软硬件进行了适当扩展,并添加了人机界面,从而可对电机运行的各参数进行设定和修改。借助功率因数测量电路和软启动器的晶闸管调压电路组成的闭环反馈系统,单片机可以根据负载变化相应地调整电机输出电压,使电机始终工作在设定功率因数下,从而实现交流异步电机的恒功率因数控制,达到节 能运行的目的。 关键词:异步电机;功率因数;软启动;节能运行 Electric motor soft start control circuits realization Picking Wanting Exchanges the asynchronous machine is in the industry and agriculture production one of most important dragging equipment, is simple because of its structure, the service easy and so on merits to obtain the widespread application. But time the electrical machinery line starts electric current and the mechanical shock are oversized, can have the influence to its own and the dragging equipments service life, the big electrical network pressure drop will also affect the electrical network power supply and other equipment movement. Therefore, uses the electrical machinery soft start technology to be imperative. this article opens softly through the analysis exchange asynchronous machine begins construction to make the principle, monolithic integrated circuit foundation has carried on the suitable expansion in Intel in the 89C51 to its software and hardware, and increased the man-machine contact surface, thus may carry on the hypothesis and the revision to electrical machinery movement various parameters. Presses the closed loop feedback system which with the aid of the power factor metering circuit and the soft starters thyristor accent the electric circuit composes, the monolithic integrated circuit may according to the variation of load adjust the electrical machinery output voltage correspondingly, causes the electrical mach


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