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听说(五) Miss. Su powerful adj.强有力的;强大的;有权的;强健的 tropical [?tr?p?kl] adj.热带的;炎热的;热带植物的 storm n.暴风雨 ocean n.海洋 span [sp?n] n.时期;跨度;间距 v.延续;横跨;贯穿;遍及;弥补 cyclone [?sa?kl??n] n.旋风;飓风;气旋;旋风分离器 destructive [d??str?kt?v] adj.破坏性的;有害的 South Pacific [p??s?f?k] 南太平洋 island n.岛;岛屿 remote adj.偏僻的;遥远的 continent n.洲 isolated adj.分离的;孤立的;隔离的 creature n.生物;动物;人 Each year, these powerful tropical storms form over the huge ocean. The largest can span more than 600 miles. Cyclones are one of the most destructive forces in the South Pacific. Yet surprisingly, they have played a very important role in spreading life to the loneliest islands, and few islands are more remote than these. Two thousand miles from the nearest continent, Hawaii is the world’s most isolated group of islands. In the past 30 million years, about 500 kinds of animals have come here. Amazingly, many of these creatures were carried to Hawaii on the back of cyclones. M: Lisa, I heard that you worked part-time this summer. What did you do? W: I worked in a very nice hotel in a small town in Scotland. There were a lot of tourists there in the summer so they were taking on extra staff. M: Did you stay in the hotel? W: No, I stayed in a little house opposite the hotel with some of the other girls who were working at the hotel. M: Did you get along well with the other girls who were working there? W: Yes, they were very friendly. We had dinner together every evening and then sat around chatting and drinking coffee. I usually didnt get to bed until after one oclock in the morning. 早上你们什么时候就得开始工作呢? When did you have to start working in the morning? I had to be at work in the dinning room at 7:30 to serve breakfast. After serving breakfast, at about 10 oclock, we had our own breakfast. I was starving (饥饿的) by then. After that, we started to get the dinning room ready for lunch —— setting the tables and sweeping the floor. 你喜欢这份工作吗? Did you like the job? Not really. The head waitress (女服务员领班) there was a very c


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